Hitch Zone

Refund policy

1. Transactional Refund Policy

Our refund policy for the payments that were being provided in our platform or website that are not processed due to any technical error or some invalid details will be refunded within 7 working days of the date of processed transaction . If this fails then you can always connect us on our given Contact details like Mob number , mail id or mailing address on our About Us section and get your money refunded back to your desired destination . We hold the right to refuse your refund if we have been charged for the same but you have not got your desired product or services . We also hold the right to refuse your refund or chargeback for the activities where we suspect fraud .We value you and your rights and always work towards ensuring that you are always on the top level of your satisfaction with our service.

2. Platform Deposit fee / Platform guarantee fee

1. Definitions

  • Deposit : A security deposit paid by the Customer with KOTTAKOTA BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PVT LTD for utilizing a specific product offered on the Platform.
  • Customer : An individual or entity who wants to associate with KOTTAKOTA BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PVT LTD to utilize the Platform and its products.
  • Guarantee : The minimum amount of business activity required on a specific product to qualify for a full deposit refund.
  • Platform : The online platform operated by KOTTAKOTA BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PVT LTD offers various products and services.

2. Deposit Purpose and Ownership

    The Deposit serves two primary purposes:
  • a.Security : It demonstrates the Customer's commitment to using the product in good faith and protects KOTTAKOTA BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PVT LTD from potential misuse or fraudulent activity.
  • b.Cost Recovery : It helps us recoup the initial, verifiable costs associated with the Infra and account setup. The Deposit remains the legal property of the Customer until refunded.

3. Minimum Business Guarantee

  • Each product offered on the Platform will have a displayed Minimum Business Guarantee outlined in the information section. This Guarantee specifies the minimum amount of business activity required on that specific product within a defined timeframe to qualify for a full deposit refund. KOTTAKOTA BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PVT LTD reserves the right to adjust the Guarantee amount for any product periodically. Notice of such adjustments will be provided on the Platform and communicated to Customers through their registered channels.

4. Refund Policy

    Deposits are fully refundable under the following conditions :
  • a. The Customer fulfills the Guarantee associated with the chosen product within the specified timeframe.
  • b. Account closure initiated by KOTTAKOTA BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PVT LTD solely due to a documented breach of our Terms of Service.
    Deposits are not refundable if:
  • a. The Customer requests a refund before fulfilling the Guarantee.
  • b. Account closure occurs due to inactivity, non-compliance with our Terms of Service, or a request by a third party (e.g., issuer, bank).
  • c. Account closure initiated by the regulatory or its guidelines.

5. Account Closure and Third-Party Involvement

  • KOTTAKOTA BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PVT LTD will not initiate account closure unless it is forced by any of the regulations. In cases where account closure is initiated by a third party (e.g., issuer, bank), KOTTAKOTA BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PVT LTD is not liable for such closure and will not be responsible for any consequences arising from it. However, KOTTAKOTA BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PVT LTD may, at its sole discretion, offer reasonable assistance to the Customer in resolving the issue with the third party.

6. Purpose

  • The Customer acknowledges that the Deposit and Guarantee system is a commercially reasonable and legally sound practice designed to:
    a. Mitigate the financial risk associated with customer acquisition, demonstrably linked to verifiable costs. b. Encourage genuine use of the platform and its products, preventing fraudulent or illegitimate activity. c. Foster long-term, mutually beneficial customer relationships by ensuring customers derive value before receiving a refund.

7. Dispute Resolution

  • By depositing funds and utilizing the Platform, the Customer acknowledges and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions outlined in the website, including these Deposit and Minimum Business Guarantee Rules. Dispute resolution procedures will be governed by the terms decided by the company and will be informed to the customer on contact. Customers may also seek resolution by connecting with our team through given contact us details on the website.

8. Amendment

  • KOTTAKOTA BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PVT LTD reserves the right to amend these terms at any time. We will provide reasonable notice of any changes via the Platform and Customer communication channels.

9. Refund Process

  • If the customer meets the business criteria and wants to proceed with the refund process he/she can reach out to our customer support team and need to submit all required documents as per the product